Regenerative Therapies

Stem Cell Treatments

Stem Cells For Anti-Aging

Stem cell therapy and research have revolutionized our perspective on healing and regenerative medicine. Studies encompass a wide range of areas, including chronic illnesses, sports injuries, auto-immune conditions, and the restoration of vascular damage. Scientists are exploring the application of cellular repair protocols not only for treating these conditions but also as a potential method to prevent and reverse the aging process.

The concept of aging involves recognizable signs such as the loss of skin elasticity leading to wrinkles, weakening bones resulting in muscle decline, and a decrease in brain cell count contributing to reduced focus and memory.

Our body consists of trillions of cells engaged in continuous repair, undergoing division to generate new cells. However, cells can only replicate approximately 50 times before encountering challenges in accurately copying genetic material. As a consequence, our bodies manifest signs of aging.

This aging process is intricately linked to telomeres, protective caps at the ends of each chromosome. Telomeres play a crucial role in preventing DNA loss during cell replication. With each replication, telomeres gradually shorten, and once they reach a critical length, cells face limitations in copying genetic material accurately, initiating the onset of aging-related changes in our bodies.

While this type of aging through cell division is natural, other factors can speed up this process:

  • Chronic Illness
  • Cigarette Smoke
  • Drugs and Alcohol
  • Environmental Pollution
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Sun Damage

How can Stem Cells Help?

Hypoxic Mesenchymal stem cells, like the ones used here at CPI, reduce inflammation and repair damaged tissue, especially when combined with our synergistic treatments such as, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBO).

HBO has a special note as it relates to the length of each telomere.

In November 2020, Israel conducted a study at the University of Tel Aviv. The study concluded, that HBO actually reversed the aging process. The participants’  telomeres grew longer instead of shorter, at a rate of 20%-38%. They actually got younger!

CPI Synergistic Anti-Aging Protocol:

  • Hypoxic Mesenchymal Stem Cells
  • IV NAD+
  • Meyers IV
  • PEMF
  • IV Ozone
  • Hyperbaric Oxygen
  • Infrared Sauna

Lets take a closer look at each option….


NAD, short for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, serves as a coenzyme present in all living cells, facilitating various biological processes such as DNA repair and protection, as well as gene expression. Ongoing research explores the potential use of NAD in addressing conditions like traumatic brain injury (TBI), dementia, and cognitive issues. At CPI, NAD+ is delivered through an intravenous drip, ensuring optimal bioavailability. CPI independently formulates the NAD+ in-house.

Meyers IV:

During treatment, patients receive a vitamin IV cocktail, commonly referred to as a Meyers IV. This formula, embraced by numerous elite athletes globally for recovery and fitness maintenance, includes electrolytes, B-Complex vitamins, Magnesium, Vitamin C, and more.

PEMF Therapy:

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy, known as PEMF Therapy, has demonstrated the ability to increase cellular oxygen uptake by up to 200% and enhance neural stem cell production. Administered by directing pulsed electromagnetic fields into the body or specific areas, many patients experience significant pain reduction in just a 20-minute session each day. FDA-approved for mending fractured bones, PEMF therapy is favored by patients for its overall health benefits.

IV Ozone Therapy:

Involving the patient's blood, IV Ozone Therapy begins with a blood sample to which ozone is added before reintroduction into the body. This process oxygenates the blood and has proven effective in killing viruses and certain bacteria.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments (HBO):

Recent studies in the American Journal of Physiology highlight a notable increase in stem cell production following hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). This treatment mobilizes stem cells from the bone marrow, aiding in overcoming hypoxia. Beyond stimulating stem cell production, HBO facilitates faster recovery and wound healing by delivering 100% oxygen at higher-than-normal atmospheric pressure, enhancing oxygen delivery to tissues independently of hemoglobin.

Source: American Journal of Physiology 

Infrared Sauna:

Differing from traditional saunas, CPI's infrared saunas employ near, mid, and far infrared technology to heat the body rather than the surrounding air. This method promotes a full-body detox and safely raises core body temperature, stimulating the immune system and supporting the healing process

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